This is a VERY basic block diagram for the general machine
The ultrasonic sensor will have an accuracy of ±1/16th of an inch.
Requires 5V to 3.3V for components.
The ultrasonic sensor part of the device requires power to be supplied by a battery pack.
The ultrasonic sensor cannot accurately measure any distance farther than 5 meters, or any distance closer than 5 centimeters.
The LCD device will have 3D printed casing with rubber grip pads on the bottom of the enclosure to prevent slipping.
The ultrasonic sensor will be attached to the laser head. It will have a 3D printed enclosure that will house it with a minimal size impact.
The LCD part of the device can be connected via USB to a computer.
The ultrasonic sensor enclosure will also have a portable battery that will be able to recharge via USB.